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How to Sell Annuities, selling annuities, annuity sales.

Selling annuities is a process that evolves as the relationship evolves. Once the lead is secured and the appointment made the real selling process starts with the fact finder. Most agents look as a fact finder as a method of collecting the "facts" of the prospective client. I don't!. To me a fact finder is using probing questions to find out how a prospect feels about themselves, their situation and their assets.

Fact finding is both science and art. The science portion is the common sense issue of collecting the facts of the prospect's situation. The art is getting the prospect to be honest and tell you how they really "feel" about those same assets. The feeling portion is far more important because it allows you an insight into the prospect and what motivates them to action.

Consider using a power phrase that I have used for years. "Mrs. Jones, you mentioned you own an IRA, may I ask you this? What is the purpose of your IRA and what would you like it to accomplish?"

When Mrs. Jones answers that question it will be with a feeling answer. Once she answers with a feeling response, you will be able to probe many other areas of her situation with the same type of questions.

Compare a feeling answer with a factual question. "Mrs. Jones, you stated you own an IRA, where is it invested?" The answer will be meaningless in regards to building a relationship. Remember, the very most important part of a fact finder is learning how a prospect feels not where their assets are invested.

Learn this simple and yet complex trick to grow your annuity sales.

Bill Broich is the author of a best selling program on selling annuities. Read more about this ground-breaking annuity selling system here: Qualified Annuity Leads.

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