With all the do it yourself debt settlement guides on the market there is one that stands out, Debt Settlement Secret. In comparison to some of the other programs I saw including Debt Relief by R. Geller. DS Secret is concise and much more affordable. The author Gene, worked in the Credit and Loan industry with clients that were trying to repair there credit history and lower their debt in order to purchase a home. In the industry he learned how to negotiate debt and the process that happened behind closed doors. When the Real Estate crash happened he was laid off, and was soon in the same position as many of his clients. He then used these same methods to get himself out of debt. The book is concise and sometimes humorous as he tries to help us see past the temporary burden of being in debt and put the readers sights on actually being financially free, the possibilities it can bring and how attainable it is. Most do it yourself settlement books are very dry and give the reader