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Another Nazi Gold Tale

For 70 years, it's been a local legend. Now, two men claim they've found tons of gold, gems and guns all packed on a Nazi train. Wolf Blitzer reports Source: CNN

The head of the regional conservation authority for Walbzrych, Barbara Nowak-Obelinda, has filed a complaint with prosecutors, claiming the German and the Polish man who allegedly found the train buried eight metres below ground did not have the necessary permits to go looking for it.

Mrs Nowak-Obelinda, from the Lower Silesian Conservator of Monuments, filed a complaint with the District prosecutor's office saying that the pair had searched for the train 'without permission' and that 'using devices such as ground penetrating radar is an offence punishable by a fine, community service or detention for 30 days.'

Since August the reports about the gold train have lured prospectors from far and wide in Europe to the small town 300 miles from Berlin in an area of Poland that was German before and during WW2.

The men, Piotr Koper and Andreas Richter, said they used ground-penetrating radar to find the train allegedly buried by retreating German forces in the dying days of the war. The myth of vast treasure being aboard has circulated in the towns and villages of the region ever since.

The prosecution of the two men, although a trivial charge in itself, is meant to deter fresh waves of Klondike hunters swarming to the area. Authorities fear that someone could be killed if they wander too close to the modern-day railway line which links Walbzrych to the city of Wroclaw.

Mrs Nowak-Obelinda said: 'We want no new waves of treasure seekers who ignore the rules.'

The two finders of the alleged train last week presented new radar images which experts remained sceptical of.

Polish troops are due to examine the site with special equipment but the exact time of a detailed search has not been agreed upon, but will probably not be until next summer.

Last week Koper and Richter hinted that the fabled Amber Room of the Czars might be aboard the train. The room composed of panels of amber was looted by Nazi troops in 1941 from a palace outside Leningrad and has never been seen since.

It would be worth around 200 million pounds today.

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